We had many requests for a copy of the prayer that Reverend Steve Plank shared with us at the reunion celebration.
Let us pray...In the Name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful...
Blessed are you, O Lord our God, Ruler of the universe...Loving Lord and God, Savior and Friend...
We gather here tonight, on this occasion, with mixed feelings.
Many of us miss classmates who are no longer with us, as well as those who could not make it to this event.
Many of us feel our hearts lifted by old friendships renewed and new friendships begun...even at our age!
We are grateful for all who have played a part in making us who we are: families of birth or families of choice, friends...
and people from our schools: teachers, counselors, staff members, administrators.
For many of us, life has been rich and full and blessed and smooth.
For many of us, life has been hard, disappointing, disillusioning, rough.
Yet we are all here...tonight...together, and for that we give you our thanks.
Thank you for forgiveness when our lives, our promises, our hopes have been broken.
Thank you for lives that have touched ours, and for lives that we have touched.
Thank you for grace, for strength, for purpose, and for hope.
Thank you for love given and love received.
Thank you for this time together.
Thank you for stories and laughter and sharing.
Thank you for food prepared and food received.
For all that we have been, are, and will be, we give you thanks.