We are working with the following businesses
for the Joliet West Class of 1969 50th Reunion Celebration:
Thank you to Staples for the gift card donation!
Thank you to Joliet Area Historical Museum for hosting our Reunion Celebration!
Thank you to Avsec Printers for a fantastic job with our 50th Reunion invitations!
Thank you to Al's Steakhouse for hosting our "Afterglow Brunch" on Sunday September 22nd!
Thank you to the Joliet West Alumni Association for hosting our tour of the school
and for including our reunion information on the electronic sign at Joliet West!
Thank you to Drew Dzurko Photography for documenting the entire weekend!
Downloadable photo links are live!
And thank you so much to the following people who donated financially to our Reunion coffers:
Laurie Allen
Jim Barrowman
Elaine Griffin Brown
Richard Fazio
Ellen Griffin
Cynthia Gurney
Jody Mitchell
(There were also several others who contributed early on to the cause and whose names we have misplaced.
Please contact Nick Macris so that your names can be added to the list.)